crystal ballroom








sean croghan was so far over-the-top

his heels wore a groove in the back of his head

my goodwill dinner-jacket refused to catch on fire.

had to use the scissors



original set list








big fatty

king tw.


push 2


mag man


joe louis





title track



From: brady smith

Sent: Sunday, August 14, 2005 4:02 PM

Subject: set list?


Hello, friends...

Ideas for songs for the upcoming Hazel extravaganza?

Me? I'm all about the familiar:



Joe Louis Punchout

Magazine Man


crowd pleasers, all.

Whaddya think?



From: Jody Bleyle

Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 6:27 PM

To: Jody Elizabeth Bleyle

Subject: Re: set list?


Should we pick 15?

10 would be fine too. 4 bands on the bill, after all.

My top 15 are in clover, my bottom 5 are in salmon

Can't wait!!


Hazel Songs:


Toreador of Love

          Joe Louis Punch Out

Push To Close


She's Supersonic

Big Fatty

Everyone's best Friend


Day Glo



Cosmic Alison


Are you Going to Eat That

        Lazy H

Green Eyes

King Twist


Quick Jerk

Sparkle Finish

Blank Florida

A Perfect Pot

Chasing After James


I'm Shattered Again


Ringing in my Ears



Title Track

Ohio Player

Mr. Magazine Man

My Second Chance


Shag Rug


Pop Uncle



Motorsport Daredevils



Gilly's Legs


From:           Jody Bleyle

Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 7:47 PM

To: brady smith

Subject:       Re: set list?


On Aug 15, 2005, at 7:27 PM, brady smith wrote:


> Road-

> I got no clover, no salmon, no color, nothin'. Can you mark them some

> other way?

> I put a little something for your little somethin' in the mail today.

> B


I don't even remember what I picked! I'll pick again. This time with

dollar signs indicating bottom 5 and asterisks indicating top 15



Toreador of Love

          *Joe Louis Punch Out

*Push To Close


$She's Supersonic

Big Fatty

*Everyone's best Friend


*Day Glo



Cosmic Alison



Are you Going to Eat That

         Lazy H

$Green Eyes

*King Twist


Quick Jerk

Sparkle Finish

*Blank Florida

A Perfect Pot

*Chasing After James


I'm Shattered Again


*Ringing in my Ears



Title Track

*Ohio Player

*Mr. Magazine Man

My Second Chance


*Shag Rug


$Pop Uncle



Motorsport Daredevils



$Gilly's Legs


From: Fred Nemo

Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 11:48 AM

Subject: collection tilt?


brady's -



joe louis punchout

magazine man


chez moi -

big fatty


ringing in my ears

title track

shag rug

king twist


i'll settle for just the first and the last, but you know i want all 6


From: pete krebs

Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 9:48 PM

To: Jody Bleyle

Subject: Re: set list?


I think I just pooped my wait, Lance Bangs just pooped my

pants and got it on film. Maybe I could sell it on eBay...



From: Jody Bleyle

Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 9:36 PM

To: pete krebs

Subject: Re: set list?


So that means no Constipation?






From: brady smith

Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2005 8:03 PM

To: jody bleyle, pete krebs, fred nemo

Subject: Re: set list?



You got a million of 'em. Constipation.


Hey, Trevor was supposed to buy me a ticket and I haven't heard. Does anyone

know how to get ahold of him?

Also, what's the set list? Someone pick 10 songs and put them in some

rockin' order... Ferd? We could probably play King Twist for 40 minutes...


From: Jody Bleyle

Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2005 10:35 PM

To: brady smith

Subject: Re: set list?


trevor's email address:

More tomorrow, I've got to go poop on the cat.


From: Jody Bleyle

Sent: Monday, August 22, 2005 9:27 PM

To: Fred Nemo

Cc: 'brady smith'; 'petekrebs'

Subject: Re: distillation


I'd happily play any and all of those tunes. Since it'll probably take

us 2 weeks to firm up the list and then we'll get to practice and

someone will demand that we drop 3 and add 2 others, I'll just learn

the entire Pearl Jam back catalog.




PS The only song I'm really attached to is Push to Close. I don't

think we've played it in 8 years and I really love it. I probably

shouldn't have added this PS 'cause now someone will want to remove it.



From: brady smith

Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 5:54 AM

To: jody bleyle

Subject: Re: distillation


They all look good to me. I also have grown to love Push to Close as I have

been listening to our cds for the first time since the last gig.

Pete? Are you out there?


From: pete krebs

Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 12:19 PM

To: brady smith

Subject: Re: distillation




Sorry I've been out of the loop for a spell. I'm down with whatever

sound good to ya...all of my choices have been represented. As soon

as we can come to a firm list of 13-15 I'll get to work on the chord

charts for Brady and I, and begin to re-memorise the lyrics. Do we

want to talk to Clark about making us up a batch of T's??


I've secured the use of a Big Muff for the occasion.





From: brady smith

Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 2:07 PM

To: pete krebs

Subject: Re: distillation


Proposed set list:


Day Glo

Ohio Player



Big Fatty

King Twist

Blank Florida

Push to Close

Magazine Man


Joe Louis Punchout






Title Track

Ringing in my Ears


Get the part about the encore! HAHAHAAAA. An encore! I still got it...


From: Jody Elizabeth Bleyle

Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 3:46 PM

To: thrasherpresents

Subject: hzl show


Hi Trevor,


I've got a few questions about the hazel, pond etc show, hope that's ok.


Where is it? What's the order? What are the set times? Is it a Thrasher

show? I don't see it on the Thrasher web site.


Thanks - hope you're well!




From: Trevor Solomon

Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 3:51 PM

To: Jody Elizabeth Bleyle

Subject: RE: hzl show


Hey Jody

It is a musicfest show <>

it is at the crystal on 9/10. hazel/pond/crackerbash/sprinkler. U guys

on at 12am, load in at 5pm with soundcheck at 5:30. let me know if u

have any other questions and hope all is well with you.


From: Jody Elizabeth Bleyle

Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 4:06 PM

To: fred nemo

Subject: FW: hzl show


> Trevor Solomon wrote?


It's ALL GOOD, FRED!!! SEE!!! Midnight isn't so bad.


From: Jody Bleyle

Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 5:22 PM

To: brady smith

Subject: Re: distillation


While I appreciate your efforts, I don't think Ringing in My Ears is a

good last song. Nor do I think 4 songs is an appropriate length for an

encore. But I won't tell you what I think is a good last song or what

I think is a good length for an encore.


Other than that, everything looks good. I'm going downstairs to learn

some fills.


From: Fred Nemo

To: 'jody b'; 'brady smith'; 'petekrebs'

Subject: distillation


ok - a distillation, as it were, of our choices so far. i've deleted from jody's list the ones on mine and brady's and also chasing after james because i have wierd associations with that name (note that i restrain myself from specifics. note also that i never made the inevitable joke about shag rug during that recent disgusting exchange). ok, we need to do some culling, folks -



Push To Close, Everyone's best Friend, Day Glo, Boog, Constipation, Blank Florida, Crowned, Airiana, Ohio Player, Incendiary, Jilted



Comet, Joe Louis Punchout, Magazine Man, Truly*



ringing in my ears, shag rug, king twist, big fatty*, ascension*, title track*


* indicates not on jody's original list


From: Jody Bleyle

Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 8:08 PM

To: Fred Nemo

Subject: Re: s'listillation


Is Ringing in my ears "Inky black, like my arms?" I think My Second

Chance is a better ballad. But I'm fine either way. But I don't think

it should go before Truly.


From: brady smith

Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 5:40 AM

To: jody, fred, pete

Subject: Re: s'listillation


I agree that My Second Chance is a better choice and that it would be better

in the set. Ringing in my ears was on someone's list, so I felt compelled to

select it over 2nd chance.

As for the encore, it was in no particular order...

What about 2nd chance after Airianna?


From: Fred Nemo

Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 2:29 AM

To: 'Jody Bleyle'; brady smith

Cc: pete krebs

Subject: s'listillation


why not put 'ringing' between 'joe louis' and 'truly', leaving a 3-song encore, like yea -



Day Glo

Ohio Player



Big Fatty

King Twist

Blank Florida

Push to Close

Magazine Man


Joe Louis Punchout

Ringing in my Ears







Title Track


From: pete krebs

Sent: Saturday, August 27, 2005 11:43 AM

To: brady smith

Subject: Re: s'listillation


My Second chance I like better as well...Ringing in my Ears was

written specifically for OzFest, and think it should only be played

there. If this is the 'yes' list, then I'll get to work with the

charts/words forthwith.




From: brady smith

Sent: Saturday, August 27, 2005 3:02 PM

To: pete

Subject: Re: s'listillation


I say go for it, Old Bean. Perhaps we can play Ozfest next year.



From: pete krebs

Sent: Friday, September 02, 2005 11:46 AM

To: Fred Nemo

Cc: Jody Bleyle; brady smith

Subject: Re: s'listillation


Hey --

Chords for the tunes...


Constipation - riff:C#-A, E-G-A, E-G

Day Glo - C-A, C-Am

Ohio Player - E-A-G-B-D-B-F#-C-G (E 2nd time)

Incendiary - D-Am(riff), F buildup, D-G-F-E, A-F-G-E-F (2x), C-G-F-Bb-E

Comet - G#-E, G#-E-A-E-C-F-E-A-E-C-F

Big Fatty - C#-E, C#-E-G#-F#, C#-A-G#

King Twist - C#-G#-F#, F#-E-G#, riff E-Eb-B-G#

Blank Fla. - A-D-F-A-D-F, C-E-A

Push to Close -- I'l have to get back to you on this one.

Magazine Man - B-A-F#-E, B-C-G-D, B-G-E

Airianna - I'll have to get back to you on this one.

Joe Louis Punch-Out - E-C-D-F, E, F-G-A-G-F

Truly - Uh, yeah.

Somebody's Best Friend - I think it's F#-A then goes to B and maybe A

-- I dunno...

Boog - I think this one uses all diminished chords with a VI-II-V-I at the end.

Title Track - F#-E-G#


These chords are all from notes I took last time we decided to do

this, so hopefully they'll work for now. We can compare notes during

our one practice session. Ahem. Also, just so you knows, the show

apparently is getting the cover of Willamette Week and I've been doing

a butt-load of interviews includig an up-coming LiveWire show on OPB.


Practice those fills!




From: pete krebs

Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2005 2:37 PM

To: Fred Nemo

Cc: Jody Bleyle; brady smith

Subject: Re: s'listillation


Hey --


Could somebody send me an mp3 of Incendiary? Or Fred do you have a

copy on CD I could pick up (along with the 1st record)?



From: Jody Bleyle

Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2005 9:27 PM

To: pete

Cc: Fred Nemo; brady smith

Subject: Re: s'listillation


I'll look for it... and if I can find it... I'll turn it into one of

those mp3s. I'll get on that tomorrow. I swear I will.



From: brady smith

Sent: Sunday, September 04, 2005 3:07 PM

To: jody, pete, fred

Subject: Re: s'listillation


What's an mp3?


From: pete krebs

Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2005 3:33 PM

To: Fred Nemo

Cc: Jody Bleyle; brady smith

Subject: Re: s'listillation


Hey, could somebody send me the lyrics to 'Boog'??? HA HA HAHAHAHA!!!

So, I just ran through the set, and I'm confident that this will be

the best Hazel show ever. No, really. How does 'Push To Close' go

again? I thought that was a Calamity Jane song -- did we really

write this one?


From: Fred Nemo

Sent: Sunday, September 04, 2005 12:31 PM

To: 'pete'

Cc: Jody Bleyle; brady smith

Subject: lyrical content


no. it's actually a valid question. here goes:



From: brady smith

Sent: Monday, September 05, 2005 4:02 PM

To: jody, pete, fred

Subject: Re: s'listillation


Hey, y'all,

Joe Lesher is looking into whether the club can provide a backline for us,

and he tells me our guest list is 10 per band.

Figured out Truly today. Took an hour.


From: Jody Bleyle

Sent: Monday, September 05, 2005 4:17 PM

To: brady smith

Cc: fred, pete

Subject: Re: s'listillation




Where are we practicing, when, and with what equipment?

Pete/Fred, let me know if you need me to figure this out, I can

probably find a place!


If there's no backline, there's no show, people. Come now!!! OK,

there's a show, but still, COME NOW!!! I assumed there was a backline,

I'll admit, so I def need to know whether to start kissing drummers'



As soon as Nina gets out of the shower, I'll look for Incendiary.


From: pete krebs

Sent: Monday, September 05, 2005 4:36 PM

To: Jody Bleyle

Cc: brady, fred

Subject: Re: s'listillation


We can practice here, though I don't have a bass rig or drumset. Do

you guys have any you can get your hands on here in PDX?? I can pick

them up on Fri. and have them downstairs for practice on Sat if need



Brady, we can run through everything when you get here Fi night. I

have most of the songs worked out and, most importantly, all of the

guitar solos in the right keys.


Jo-D, when do you get in?


Had a lot of fun figuring out Airiana today.




From: pete krebs

Sent: Monday, September 05, 2005 4:37 PM

To: Fred Nemo

Subject: Re: interminable pica deliberations


> On 9/5/05, Fred Nemo wrote:

> >

> > ja get those songs, pete? because i do have em


> Hola Ferd,


> The only one I don't have is 'Incendiary' you have a copy on CD?

> BTW, love your work on 'Boog'.


> best,

> P


On 9/6/05, Fred Nemo wrote:


> only on cassette. i'll see how much your answering machine can take.


Fred, you're so old school.


From: Jody Bleyle

Sent: Monday, September 05, 2005 4:49 PM

To: pete, fred, brady

Subject: Re: s'listillation


Maybe I can borrow Marci's... I'll call her.


I get in Friday night at 7:30, yo!


From: Jody Bleyle

Sent: Monday, September 05, 2005 7:23 PM

To: pete, fred, brady

Subject: Re: s'listillation


People! I found one lonely dusty copy of Incendiary in my basement.

Should I mp3 it for you? It sounds so fucking good -- a low-fi

recording on a 7" -- seriously, it sounds FUCKING AMAZING.





From: pete krebs

Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 7:07 PM

To: Fred Nemo

Cc: Jody Bleyle; brady smith

Subject: Re: s'listillation


Hey folks --


I've secured a P.A. and a practice bass amp for Brady (can't be used

for the show though, unfortunately) we want to set up a

practice Fri night after youse guys arrive and another on Sat?


I'm playing a wedding out in Hood River before our show, and I'll need

to be done with Hazel stuff by 3:30.


BAck to Airiana...JoD any luck w./ Incendiary, our best song?




From: Jody Bleyle

Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 7:30 PM

To: pete krebs

Cc: Fred Nemo; brady smith

Subject: Re: s'listillation


Don't we have a sound check at 5:30 the night of the show? You're

scaring me...


I'll have Incendiary soon, I'm heading over to Ed's right now...


Sure, we can Practice on Friday night if you guys want to... I thought

Brady wasn't getting in til Sat morn?


From: pete krebs

Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 9:32 PM

To: Jody Bleyle

Cc: Fred Nemo; brady smith

Subject: Re: s'listillation


I'm not going to be able to make sound check -- I told Trevor this

when he first contacted me about the show...I'm contracted on this

one, so I can't skip out...


Brady is getting in Fri as well, I fergot what time...


back to Tommy Lee goes to College...



From: Jody Bleyle

Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 10:01 PM

To: pete krebs, Fred Nemo; brady smith

Subject: Re: s'listillation


Oh, I didn't know that, Trevor didn't tell the rest of the band I

guess. I really can't practice Friday night because as far as I knew,

Brady was getting in early Saturday morning, we were practicing, going

to sound check, and playing the show all in the same day. Oh well,

we'll have to make do with one practice.




From: brady smith

Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2005 3:13 AM

To: jody, pete, fred

Subject: Re: s'listillation


I arrive Friday night at 8:45 p.m., I'll get a ride to your house, Pete, and

we can go over songs. I'm up for practicing anytime on Saturday. It's going

to be great, folks!

I open my school this morning, so wish me luck.


From: pete krebs

Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2005 8:30 AM

To: Jody Bleyle

Cc: brady smith, fred nemo

Subject: Re: s'listillation


Much Luck my friend. Don't yell too much the first day.


From: brady smith

Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2005 7:02 PM

To: pete, jody, fred

Subject: Re: s'listillation


Thank you for the well-wishes. It was a great opening day! Viva Validus

Prep! As for my arrival, I misread my ticket and arrive in Chicago at 8:45,

arriving Portland at 12:15 a.m. Pete, I'll get a ride to your house from the

airport and be there about 1. We can practice then if you want or in the

morning and until you have to leave for the wedding.

'Til then.


From: Jody Bleyle

Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2005 7:28 PM

To: brady smith

Cc: fred nemo, pete krebs

Subject: Re: s'listillation


Congratulations, Grade, that's fantastic. Have any openings for a

lesbian gym teacher? Fred needs a job.


Pete, what's your address? And what time should I be there? I'll bring

drums. Do I need to bring a mic, cord, or mic stand?


Ed and I ran into a snafu converting Incendiary, but I think I'll be

able to do it tonight. If you don't know it already or have time to

learn it, we can always play J. Hell instead -- the kids would probably

prefer it anyway since they know it better. Maybe we can just play

Incendiary at practice, I don't care about sharing it, I just want to

play it once :-).



From: pete krebs

Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2005 10:54 PM

To: Jody Bleyle

Cc: brady smith, fred nemo

Subject: Re: s'listillation



Our house is at the end of the block on the right before

the bend in the road. My Volvo will be out front.


I'll have 2 mics and stands here, as well as the P.A.


Brady -- do you want me just to get you at the airport?? I'll be up

to let you in anyways, and I love airports (and flying, natch). Gimme

your flight ## and arrival time.


Well, back to learning Airiana.



From: pete krebs

Sent: Friday, September 09, 2005 8:40 PM

To: Fred Nemo

Cc: Jody Bleyle; brady smith

Subject: Re: s'listillation


Practice here at my place at 11:30 Sat. See you then!



From: one boatcircus

Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2005 10:42 AM

To: fred nemo

Subject: RE: narrowing gyre



the hazel show was fabulous! thank you for the pass. i think the crowd loved

the rice. see you soon



From: Fred Nemo

Sent: Monday, September 12, 2005 6:31 PM

To: 'one boatcircus'

Subject: RE: narrowing gyre


thanks, a. we had way fun, as i guess you could see.

so glad you made it. and that was mashed potatoes actually...



MFNW: thank you... sprinkler, crackerbash, pond and especially HAZEL!


Reply to:

Date: 2005-09-11, 10:57AM PDT

thank you to those who made last night possible... i was reliving the early 90s, remembering those shows when i was a teen, and missing them (and their last go around) when i went away for college... sidenote: but thanks to friends at the time, i had received a package with three 45s in the mail with the three of the four members' (pete, jody and brady's) autographs... but no fred signature. darn, sorry fred.

anyway, it was most excellent, most awesome and it mostly rocked! my missed connection was back in the 90s in missing the last shows, but was connected last night. i could remember almost all the hazel songs and sang along happily. it was bittersweet...

thank you again!

this is in or around portland in the 90s

no -- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

yes -- ok to transmit this posting into outer space